Creative, Caring, and Professional Women

776498920You are capable and resilient – but you don’t feel like it lately.

You wonder how you’ll make it through the day and if it will ever feel like enough – if you will ever feel like enough.

Some days, it seems like the whole world is judging you and looking to you to hold it all together. On other days you might as well be invisible if you aren’t prepared to fake a smile and positive attitude.

Every day, you navigate the pressures of tending to your relationships, career, caregiving and parenting roles, physical and mental health, spirituality, community participation and service, personal finances, and environmental stewardship.

The weight of all these tasks and responsibilities is crushing, and self-care seems pointless – just more stressful to-do items for which you have no time.

You are no longer in the driver’s seat of your own life…

…and if you are, it’s to chauffer others around. Either way, you are running on fumes and heading toward a possible catastrophe if something doesn’t change.

Like many women, your upbringing may have taught you to believe that your worth amounts to likeability, appearance, wealth, and how much you sacrifice and give to others.

No matter how much you have tried to unlearn those harmful messages, your inner critic sustains the echoes and sabotages your confidence.

Silence, compliance, and people-pleasing are killing your spirit and robbing you of the fulfillment you desire and deserve.

1787334818We are a generation of women waking up and rediscovering our power and voices.

In therapy, you can learn to say “no” without guilt, allowing you to say “yes” wholeheartedly.

Together, we can figure out how you came to feel unbalanced and misaligned in your life and create a plan to get back on track and rediscover joy and purpose.

You have everyone else’s back. I’ve got yours.

If you are a woman suffering from anxiety, depression, or trauma, struggling under the weight of feeling that all you do and who you are is not enough, reach out.

Click below for a free 15-minute consultation.